During and prior to the Civil War, musical training for band musicians occurred at the "School of Practice for U.S.A. Field Musicians" at Governor's Island, New York. The earliest reference about the school is found in the book "Ten Years in the Ranks, U.S. Army" written by a young soldier, Augustus Meyers, age 12 . He wrote about his experiences at the school.
The living quarters were sparse, consisting of double bunk beds with insufficient space for comfort or convenience. The beds were large sacks stuffed with straw. The meals consisted of boiled salt pork and beef, rice soup, bread, potatoes, bean soup, and coffee.
The daily duties began with "reveille" and the fife and drums performing at the official entrance to Governor's Island. At 0800, the guard mount ceremony commenced followed by a period on uniform and equipment maintenance. School started at 0900 until 1100 followed by musical training from 1100 to 1200 and then 1400 to 1600. The young drummers and fifers also performed at retreat. This schedule occurred every day except Saturday, when all instruction ended at 1200. In addition to board, lodging and musical training, the boys received $7.00 a month.