War of Brothers - Music


Title Words Music
Adieu!! to the Star Spangled Banner for Ever Ella D. Clark J. R. Boulcott, Op. 41
Alice Where Art Thou?(Romance) Wellington Guernsey Joseph Ascher
All Hail to the Flag of Freedom(Grand National March and Hymn) William W. Skaats Melody by William W. Skaats; Intoduction and Trio by S. Knaebel
Another 4th of July, or The Wedding-Day is Coming (Song and March) Herman Fluegel Herman Fluegel
Aura Lea William Whiteman Fosdick, 1825-1862 George R. Poulton, 1828-1867
Balm of Gilead anon. anon.; Arr. by H. T. Bryant
Bonnie Jennie Lee W. Wallace Manchester, Esq. E. E. Rogers
Carrie Bell (Ballad) Capt. W. C. Capers, C. S. A. Theodore von La Hache
Confederate Land (A Patriotic Song) Lieut. H. H. Strawbridge Capt. Eugene Chassaignac
Confederacy March none Alfred F. Toulmin of Patapsco Institute
Continental March - Sons of 1776 none James E. Magruder
Defend the Stars and Stripes a Member of "The Twelve" of San Francisco Gustave A. Scott
Dixie War Song H. S. Stanton, Esq. Daniel Decatur Emmett; Arr. by A. Noir
Fantasieta on Star Spangled Banner none T. Bissell, 1800-1870+
Farewell to the Star Spangled Banner anonymous anon.; Arr. for Guitar by A. G....t
Flag of the Heroes
(Union and Liberty)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1809-1894 Charles E. Kimball
Freemen's Gathering, or Stripes and Stars Unfurl (No. 7 fromHorace Waters' Collection of National Songs of America) Rev. Sidney Dyer Arr. A. Cull
General Joseph E. Johnston's Manassas Quick March none Adolphus Brown, 1834-c1870
General Lyons Funeral March none George Washington Thomas Hewitt, 1811-1893
General Nathan Lyon's Funeral March none Reverend. George Johann Kredel, 1832-1910+
Gideon's Band (sung in the Musical Extravaganza ofMazeppa) anon. anon.; Arr. by Charles R. Dodsworth
God and Our Rights William M. Johnston Armand Edward Blackmar, 1826-18??
God Defendeth the Right Mrs. DuBose Hermann L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
God Save the South! (An Anthem) Earnest Halphin Earnest Halphin
Home of the Free (No. 5 fromNational Melodies by Celebrated Composers) John Jacobs, Jr. John Jacobs, Jr.
Hurrah for Rhode Island! Gen. Van Zandt E. A. Payne
I'm Going Home to Dixie Daniel Decatur Emmett Daniel Decatur Emmett
I Cannot Mind My Wheel, Mother(Ballad) Charles Swain Oscar Schalk
Jeff Davis March none Miss Mary Kelly
Katey's Letter (Irish Song) anon. anon.
Keep Step With the Music of Union (National Hymn) William Ross Wallace George Frederick Bristow, 1825-1898
Kitty Wells anon. Thomas Brigham Bishop, 1835-1905
Liberty's Reveille W. S. Hurlock M. D. James W. Porter
Lord! Save Our Native Land(National Hymn) (Tune: America) John J. Frazer M. D. Adapted and Arranged by John J. Frazer
Mabel Clare (Song and Chorus) Rosetta Lunt A. J. Higgins
Maryland Guard Galop none Charles Denstedt
May God Save the Union (Union Hymn) Reverend G. Douglass Brewerton Carl Wolfson
Missouri [Bright Land of the West] Harry McCarthy Harry McCarthy
No Love Like a Mother's Love, or, Rock Me to Sleep Mother Florence Percy[pseud. for Elizabeth Akers Allen, 1832-1911] F. H. Pease
Ole Shady; or the Song of the Contraband Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867 Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867
On to the Battle John E. McCaullay Henry G. Thunder
Our Banner of Glory! (National Hymn) G. W. Cutter, Esq. William Cumming Peters, 1805-1866
Our Country's Flag G. Gumpert G. Gumpert
(Arr. by F. Losse)
Our Country Right or Wrong(New Patriotic Song) George Pope Morris, Esq. E. Muzio
Our General's Quick Step none C. S. Grafulla
Rain on the Roof Coates Kinney James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897; Arranged by F. M. Pease
Rise for Your Country (A Patriotic Call to Arms) J. W. Pope J. W. Pope
Rock Me to Sleep Florence Percy (alias for Elizabeth Akers Allen, 1832-1911) Edward Mack
Rock Me to Sleep Mother (20th Edition; Ballad) "Florence Percy"(Mrs. Taylor, Portland, Maine) [alias for Elizabeth Akers Allen, 1832-1911] Mrs. Willima K. Cutler
Rule Columbia (National Song & Chorus) Dr. J. Harnes B. Augusto
So Jeff Davis Is Acoming (Song of the Times) [28 Dec] Richard Hinchcliffe James R. Murray
Song of the Citizen Guards adapted by J. Val Cowling Henry Russell (tune: Cheer, Boys, Cheer
Song to Our Flag (National Song & Chorus) A. W. Burns George Washington Thomas Hewitt, 1811-1893
Southern Marseillaise (air: Marseillaise Hymne) Adapted by Mrs. L. Fanshaw [Claude] Joseph Rouget de L'isle
The Abe-iad [circa 1861] J. P. McRebel F. Bartenstein
The American Flag [also published in 1847 as a guitar arrangement] Joseph Rodman Drake, 1795-1820 anonymously adapted [1861], from music by Vincenzo Bellini, 1801-1835
The Banner of the Sea (National Song and Chorus) D. Brainard Williamsont George Washington Thomas Hewitt, 1811-1893
The Basket Maker's Child (Solo and Chorus) H. S. Thompson H. S. Thompson
The Confederate Flag! (National Air) Mrs. C. D. Elder, of New Orleans, LA Sig. G. George
The Flag of the Free Eleven (Op. 561) M. F. Bigney J. T. Viereck
The Free Market (A Local Song) Y. W. Overall Thevon Lehache
The Gal With the Balmoral Fred. Wilson R. J. Herrero
The Gift of Our Fathers (A Union Anthem!) John M. Crosland John M. Crosland; Arranged for the Piano by James W. Porter
The Martyrs of Baltimore J .W. Turner J. W. Turner
The Moon Rose O'er the Battle Plain (Song Ballad) anon. anon.; arranged by William J. Lemon
The National Hymn William Lewers Bertrand A. Hoffacker
The Patriot's Call (Song and Chorus) (Opus 9) Miss J. P. Burge C. Jerome Hopkins
The Rataplan (from the 1840 Comic Opera La Figlia Del Reggimento) Charles Jefferys Gaetano Donizetti, 1797-1848; Adapted by Charles W. Glover, 1806-1863
The Red, White & Blue of '61 G. Gumpert A. Bachmann
The Soldiers' Death Song [circa 1861-1865] Captain Edgeworth Richard L. Edgworth Esq.
The Song of the "Contrabands"("O Let My People Go!") Rev. L. C. Lockwood Rev. L. C. Lockwood; Arr. by Thomas Baker
The Southern Cross Charles Ellerbrock Charles Ellerbrock
The Spirit of '61 (or, Our Banner Shall Wave Forever, or Up With the Flag of the Stars and the Stripes) (War Song and Chorus) W. W. Story Thomas H. Howe
The Stars and Stripes J. T. F. O. B. Brown
The Stars and Stripes Forever(National Patriotic Songs, No. 56) a Lady William J. Lemon
The Stars and the Stripes, the Flag of the Free Henrie L. Frisbie Henrie L. Frisbie
The Stripes and the Stars George A. Mietike [Miestzke], 1838-c1900 George A. Mietike [Mietzke], 1838-c1900
The Union Army March none George A. Mietzke, 1838-c1900
The Volunteer, or, It Is My Country's Call Harry Maccarthy Harry Maccarthy
The Brass-Mounted Army (circa '61-5) an anonymous soldier of Col. A. Buchel's Regiment adapted fromWait for the Wagon (1852) by R. Bishop Buckley
Then Wave Ye Stripes! (An Anthem for All Time) John F. White Miss Mary F. Howell
There Was an Old Soldier (circa '61-5) anonymous anonymous
Three Cheers for Our Banner(No. 11 from HORACE WATERS' Collection of National Songs) M. E. Williams A. A. Allen; Arr. by A. Cull
To Arms! To Arms! [16 Apr] William F. Otten L. L. D. William F. Otten L. L. D.; arr. Vandermeyde
Trooper's Death ([about events on 25 Oct 1861 in Springfield, MO], published in 1862)[source photocopy submitted by John Maurath] anonymous, translated from a German atudent song by Captains Raymond and Howard anonymous; arranged by Captains Raymond and Howard
Union and Liberty (National Anthem) Philip F. Synder Gustave Blessner, 1808-1888
We Conquer or Die James Pierpoint, 1822-1903 James Pierpoint, 1822-1903
Whack, Row De Dow! or, A Hunkey Boy Is Yankee Doodle Miss Fanny Herring Arranged by W. L. Hobbs
Where Liberty Dwells, There Is My Country (No. 7 from HORACE WATERS' Collection of National Songs) Rev. G. S. Plumley Rev. G. S. Plumley
Yankee Lasses A and L (Comic Song and Chorus) anon. anon.



Title Words Music
Anthem of Liberty Richard Storrs Willis, 1819-1900 Richard Storrs Willis, 1819-1900
Benton Barracks Parade March none Julius Tenzler
Blue Eyed Soldier Boy Jennie Caulfield Hermann Th. Knake
Come In and Shut the Door (Song and Chorus) anonymous Frederick Buckley, 1815-1864
Come, at Your Country's Call; or, Join Brave McClellan's Boys Kate Moncrieff anonymous (Adapted to a Favorite Melody)
Coming at Last! Earnest Halphin Earnest Halphin
Corn Is King! anonymous, from theContinental Monthly Hiram T. Merrill
Dead on the Battle Field M. L. Hofford James Cox Beckel, 1811-1900+
Excelsior Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807-1882 John Blockley, Miss Lindsay, Samuel Glover
Fremont Hussar's March none Charles Fradel, 1821-1880+
General Grant's Grand March none Edward Mack, 1826-1882
General Scott and Corporal Johnson (Song) Bayard Taylor David A. Warden
General Sigel's Grand March none T. J. Martin
Gentle Annie Ray (Song and Chorus) A. Jones Frederick Buckley, 1815-1864
Glory! Hallelujah! With Brilliant Variations (Op. 1402) none Charles Grobe, 1815-1880+
God! and Our Native Land (A ) A. Lemuel Adams A. Lemuel Adams
Grace Darling (Song & Chorus) [circa 1862] anon. W. Walmsley, Jr.
Here's Your Mule C. D. Benson C. D. Benson
Hold On Abraham (Uncle Sam's Boys Are Coming Right Along) (Song and Chorus) William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868 William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868
How Are You, Telegraph! (Song and Chorus) William Collins George W. Work
Isn't It a Wonder, or Caddy-Cadunk Henry Wood, Esq. Gustavus Geary
Jeff Davis' Dream (A Serio Comic Song) [21 Nov] Bernard Covert Bernard Covert
Killarney (The Last Song) Michael William Balfe, 1808-1870 Michael William Balfe, 1808-1870
Kingdom Coming (c1862) [compare H. C. Work's song] William Howard Doane William Howard Doane
Laura Anna W. C. Baker W. C. Baker
Lizzie Lee Peter F. Stout, Esq. Matthew Keller
Marching Along (Army Song) Adapted byMrs. Mary Ann Kidder William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868
Maryland Fair Maryland (Answer toMaryland, My Maryland) Idlewild James Cox Beckel, Opus 1200, 1811-1900+
My Love Is on the Battle Field!(Song with Chorus) Robert Morris, Esq. Alfred Delaney
Oh! Give Us a Navy of Iron D. Brainerd Williamson James W. Porter
Ole Massa on He Trabbels Gone(Quartette) [15 Feb] John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 S. K. Whiting
On the Shores to Tennessee! Or, Return of the Old Flag! Ethel Lynn Beers E. T. P.
Our Country and Flag (A National Song and Chorus) Richard Culver anon.; arranged by Richard Culver
Our Own Brave Boys (Song and Chorus) Myra Mc D. Hendrick Myra Mc D. Hendrick
O, Wrap the Flag Around Us Boys[26 Sep] R. Stewart Taylor R. Stewart Taylor
Pro Patria! (A National Song for The Fourth of July, 1862) [22 Feb] Pilgrim John Pilgrim John
Rally Round the Flag James T. Field, Esq. William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868
Rally Round Your Flag Boys (Song and Quartette) Fannie Fackrell Fannie Fackrell
Reply to the Bonnie Blue Flag Mrs. C. Sterett M. H. Frank
Rising of the People (The Drum-Tap Rattles Thro' the Land) (National Patriotic Song) N. P. Beers M. Colburn
Sally Come Up T. Ramsey E. W. Mackney; Arr. by Frederick Buckley, 1815-1864
Song of the Negro Boatmen John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 Robbins Battell
Song of the Negro Boatmen John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 J. W. Dadman; Arranged by Albert S. Allen
Stars of Liberty (Patriotic Song) (Song and Chorus) (A Tribute to Liberty) [21 Jun] Mrs. E. L. Webster Mrs. E. L. Webster
Stonewall Jackson's Way anonymous anonymous
Stonewall Quick Step none Charles H. Kehr
Strike! Ye Sons of Liberty!! C. W. W. C. W. W.
Take Your Gun and Go, John [26 Sep] anonymous Hiram T. Merrill
Taps [July] anonymous Adapted from Tattoo by General Daniel Adams Butterfield, 1831-1901
The Battle of Liberty (Patriotic Song and Chorus) George Pope Morris, 1802-1864 Richard Culver
The Battle Prayer, or The Soldier's Prayer Before Battle Walter Maurice Himmel
The Battle of Shiloh Hill (circa '62-5) M. B. Smith
(Company C, 2nd Regiment, Texas Volunteers)
Tune: Wandering Sailor
The "Contraband's" Hotel (Comic Song) anon. J. Rud Adam
The "Contraband" of Port-Royal John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 Ferndinand Mayer
The Contrabands Jubilee (Song & Chorus) John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 A. J. Higgins
The Flag With Thirty Four Stripesor, Hurrah! For the Dear Old Flag With Every Stripe and Star (A Patriotic Song, with Chorus) General W. H. Hayward Professor C. S. Root
The Freedman's Song, or the Song of the Negro Boatman (aka The Freedman's or Negro Boatman Song) John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 Robert Goldbeck
The Grave of Little Nell (Song and Chorus) William F. Gilchrest E. G. Sirret
The Mudsills Are Coming (A New Army Song) E. Bowers G. L. J.
The National Medley Song various [adapted and] arranged by V. L. Remington
The New Skedaddle [26 Sep] R. D. Scott R. D. Scott
The New York Volunteer anonymous G. A. Hodson
The Noble George McClellan (Song and Chorus) Rev. Edwin H. Nevin anonymous; adapted toOld Rosin the Bow[1838]
The Northern Star (Patriotic Song and Chorus) Edward H. C. Clark Arranged for the Piano by Frederick H. Cluett
The Old Chieftan (Song and Chorus) Edwin Henry Edwin Henry
The Picket (Ballad) "Una" William Cumming Peters, 1805-1866
The Return of the Old Flag; or, Sailing Up the Tennessee (aka The Flag's Come Back to Tennessee) Corporal Lippincott of the 57th Pennsylvania Regiment Air from (Dominico) Gaetano (Maria) Donizetti, 1797-1848; Arranged by David A. Warden
The Sea Witch (A Song of the Sea) D. W. Rockwell William J. Wetmore, M. D.
The Skating Quadrille [c1861; 26 Sep 1862] none A. J. Vaas
The Soldier's Vision Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
The Spirit of America, the Union, the Age (Song and Chorus) anonymous E. C. Lambarty
The Union Battle Cantata [31 Jan] G. Gumpert G. Gumpert; Arranged by F. Losse
Thou Wouldst Call Me Back From the Echoless Shore (A Mother's Reply to the Popular Ballad Rock Me to Sleep) anonymous William Cumming
Three Cheers for the Union! (Song and Chorus) Mrs. Earnest Mrs. Earnest
Three Hundred Thousand More! William Cullen Bryant, 1794-1878 George R. Poulton, 1828-1867
Uncle Abra'm, Bully for You! (Song and Chorus) J. Smith, Jr. G. R. Lampard
Uncla Sam, What Ails You? (Song and Chorus) Charles C. Sawyer John M. Loretz
Up! and Arm! (A Song for the Nation) E. H. anon.
Viva Columbia (A National Song) [Dec 20] G. Gumpert F. Lossé
Wake Up Jake (No. 42 from Comic Songs) George Holman George Holman
We Do Think of Thee at Home(Reply to Do We Think of Thee?) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
We Wait Beneath the Furnace Blast (Song and Quartette) John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 W. O. Perkins
Year of Jubilee, or Kingdom Has Come [18 Apr] "Sambo" "Sambo"
Young Eph's Lament; Or,
Oh, Whar Will I Go If Dis War Breaks de Country Up
J. B. Murphy anonymous
Your Mission Ellen Maria Huntington Gates, 1835-1920 Sydney Martin Grannis, 1827-1907


Title Words Music
A Prayer for the Absent(Ballad) Miss Helene Osgood James Gaspard Maeder
A Toast to New Year J. M. Swift J. H. Ross
Abraham My Abraham (Song and Chorus) [Tune: O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum!, 1799] William K. O'Donoughue Esqr. anon.; Arr. by Charles G. Degenhard
Ah! He Kissed Me When He Left Me (Song and Chorus) [31 Oct] Mrs. Cornelia D. Rogers Lillia Downling
Always Stand on the Union Side M. C. Bisbee M. C. Bisbee
Angel Mary (Ballad) Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer) Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer)
Army Hymn Oliver Wendell Holms, 1809-1894 Otto Dresel
Away Goes Cuffee or Hoorah for 63 [9 Jun] L. B. Starkweather L. B. Starkweather
Battle Hymn of the North J. L. Earll George Barnum
Beauregard's Charleston Quickstep none H. L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
Belle Missouri
in reply to Maryland, My Maryland
Howard Glyndon based on O Tannebaum;
arr. by Hermann Schneider
Bonnie Blue Flag With Brilliant Variations (Opus 1459) none Charles Grobe, 1815-1880+
Brave McClellan's Is Our Leader Now, or Glory Hallelujah! Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder anon.; arranged by Augustus Cull
Brother's Fainting at the Door(Song [and Chorus]) E. Bowers P. B. Isaacs
Close His Eyes! His Work Is Done (A Dirge for a Soldier) (Song and Chorus) George H. Boker Asa B. Hutchinson
Come Back, Massa, Come Back!(Song and Chorus) [I.? or] J. W. Lucas Gomez
Cousin Jedediah H. S. Thompson H. S. Thompson
Daisy Deane T. F. Winthrop James Ramsey Murray, 1841-1905
Dearest Nell (Song and Chorus) R. T. Pettes E. Bischoff
Dirge [sung 19 Nov; filed 17 Dec] James G. Percival Alfred Delaney
Down by the River H. S. Thompson H. S. Thompson
Fremonts Battle Hymn(Quartett) [2 Mar] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
General Forrest Schottisch none E. C. E. Vile
General McClellan's Farewell E. W. H. H. Coyle
Gettysburg! (No. 5 from Songs of the Loyal) Robert Morris, Esq. Alfred Delaney
Good Times in the Army Boys W. H. Watson C. M. C.
Harp of the South Awake! J. M. Kilgoth C. L. Peticolas
He's Got His Discharge From the Army (Companion toGrafted Into the Army [by Henry Clay Work, 1862]) William A. Field William A. Field
High Daddy Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904 Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904
How Are You, Exempt? Frank Wilder Frank Wilder
I'd Dream Forever More T. Brigham Bishop T. Brigham Bishop
I'm Lonely Since My Mother Died (Ballad Song and Chorus) H. S. Thompson H. S. Thompson
I Loved That Dear Old Flag The Best (Song and Chorus) Ednor Rossiter B. Frank Walters
I Remember the Hour When Sadly We Parted {Song with Chorus} (Answer to Weeping, Sad and Lonely [Music by Henry Tucker, 1863]) Ednor Rossiter B. Frank Walters
Jeannie Lorn (aka Jennie Lorn) (Ballad) (Song and Chorus) [16 May] W. Virgil Wallace W. Virgil Wallace
Johnny Schmoker (A Descriptive Chorus) [Apr 11] anon. Harmonized and Arranged by Benjamin Franklin Rix
Justice Has Stricken the Chains From the Slaves (Solo & Chorus) [c1863; Filed 11 Jan 1864] A. C. Gutterman A. C. Gutterman
Kind Friends Are Near Her(Answer to Who Will Care for Mother Now?) (Song and Chorus) Ednor Rossiter B. Frank Walters
King Cotton Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Kiss Me, Mother, Ere I Die(Song and Chorus) W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Frederick Buckley, 1815-1864
Kiss My Mother Dear for Me(Song and Chorus) Linden L. Parr Linden L. Parr
John Brown's Song Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder [?] anon.; Arr. by Augustus Cull
Lanigan's Ball (Irish Song) Tony Pastor Neil Bryant; arranged by Charles W. Glover, 1806-1863
Lorena: Variations Brilliante(aka Lorena: with variations] none Melody by Joseph Philbrick Webster, 1819-1875 (1857); Arranged by Hermann L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
Mama, Take Me by the Hand William E. McNulty Harry Spiers
McClellan's Serenade(Quartette) Lt. Col. F. S. Nickerson, Maine 4th Regt. S. K. Whiting
Mother Is the Battle Over? or Will He Come Again? (Song with Chorus) Benedict E. Roeffs Benedict E. Roeffs; Arranged by Henry Werner
Mother Would Comfort Me(Song and Chorus) Charles Carroll Sawyer Charles Carroll Sawyer
My Country So Dear (A Vision of the American War) (Song and Chorus) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
National War Song (Solo and Chorus) Miss Margaret J. Lennox Miss Margaret J. Lennox
No One to Love (Ballad) adapted by A. H. G. Richardson arranged by William B. Harvey and Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Oh! Bury the Brave Where They Fall (Song & Chorus) [c1863; 28 Jan 1864] Lieut. Henrie L. Frisbie Lieut. Henrie L. Frisbie
Oh Weep No More For Brave Boys Gone (Song and Chorus) R. Z. Salem R. Z. Salem
Pickets Charge March none John Prosinger, of the Hollins Institute of Virginia
Rebel Kingdom Falling (Song and Chorus) E. P. Noyes E. P. Noyes
Riding a Raid anonymous based on Bonnie Dundee
Roll on the Cause of Freedom(Song and Chorus) a Lady Thomas O'Neill
Rosecrans the Brave! James F. Spratley James F. Spratley; Arranged for Piano by H. Werner
Shall I See My Home Again(Song with Chorus) Rose Carroll Rose Carroll
Shall We Meet Again? (Song and Chorus) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Slumber on Baby Dear (A Mother's Cradle Song) H. C. Watson Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Stonewall Jackson's Grand March (aka Grand March Illustrative of "Stonewall Jackson's Way") Charles Young["illustrative" text, not sung] Charles Young
Sweet and Low (Lullaby for Male Voices) Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892 Joseph Barnby, 1838-1896; Arr. by W. D. [1885]
Sweet Evelina M. (Melody by T.) Arr. Mrs. E[ffie]. A. (Susan) Parkhurst, 1836-1918) (later known as Mrs. Duer)
Tell Me, Mother, Can I Go?(Companion to Our Boy Is a Warrior Now) (Song and Chorus) anonymous Melody by William B. Tremaine; Arranged by E. G. B. Holder
Tell Mother I Die Happy C. A. Vosburch Jabez Burns
The Arkansas Traveller [circa 1863] Mose Case [dialogue only] Mose Case
The Banner of the Sea (Song [and Chorus]) [28 Dec] Bernard Covert Bernard Covert
The Banner of the Stars(Patriotic Song) R. W. R. Arranged with Chorus and Accompaniment by George William Warren
The Battles of July 63 (A Comic Campaign Song) [July] J. Worrall John Orlando Parry, 1810-1879
The Black Brigade (Plantation Song and Dance) Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904 Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904
The Flag of the Constellation (A National Song) T. Buchanan Read Chs. R. Crosby
The Good Old Union Wagon(reply to a rebel song entitledSecession Wagon S. Matthews S. Matthems
The Invalid Corps Frank Wilder Frank Wilder
The Long Soot o' Bloo William K. O'Donohoughe William K. O'Donohoughe; Arranged by B. A. Whaples
The Merrill Horse; or, The Guerrillas Conquered Polyhymnia Polyhymnia
The Nation Shall Not Die! (Song and Chorus) Robert Morris, Esq. Alfred Delaney
The National Rally (Patriotic Song) Eliza A. Pittsinger Martin Simonsen
The Old Flag Will Triumph Yet J. E. Parker Doyle J. Henry Whittemore
The Old Union Wagon Chaplain John Hogarth Lozier Melody by R. Bishop Buckley (from Wait for the Wagon, 24 May 1851); Adapted and Arranged by John Hogarth Lozier
The Realm of the West (Song and Chorus) Amanda T. Jones Charles G. Degenhard
The Roll of Honor T. Buchanan Read George Harlow
The Southern Cross (Song) St. George Tucker C. L. Peticolas
The Stollen Stars, or Good Old Father Washington General Lewis Wallace Melody by George Frederick Root [from Who'll Save the Left? (Apr 1863)]; Adapted and Arranged by R. Hastings
The Tremaine Brothers' Popular Medley (aka The Brothers' Tremaine Popular Medley) Adapted byCharles M. Tremaine Arranged by M. F. H. Smith, Opus 13
'Tis Sweet to Be Remembered H. M. Rogers H. M. Rogers
The Union Prayer for Victory [5 Oct] Mrs. E. L. Webster Mrs. E. L. Webster
Tread Lightly Ye Comrades, or The Volunteer's Grave (Song and Chorus) [15 Mar] Annie Melody suggested by Miss Sadie Crane; Arrangement by Mrs. F. L. Bowen
Union Quadrilles (aka Union Quadrille) none Arranged by Thomas Baker
Up With the Flag anonymous Dr. William B. Harrell; Arranged by Mrs. Harrell
We'll Fight for Uncle Abe(Plantation Song and Chorus) C. E. Pratt J. K. Cambell; Arr. by Fred. Buckley
Welcome! Welcome! Gallant Soldiers S. N. Atz Bernard Covert
Where Is the Freeman Found(O Esperance!) Earnest Halphin Earnest Halphin
Who Says the Darkies Won't Fight? (Ethiopian Song and Chorus) Frank Howard(pseud. for Delos Gardner Spalding, 1833-1884) Frank Howard (pseud. for Delos Gardner Spalding, 1833-1884)
Who Will Care for Mother Now? Charles Carroll Sawyer Charles Carroll Sawyer; Arr. by C. F. Thompson



Title Words Music
Abraham's Tea Party (Song and Chorus) John Hugh McNaughton, 1829-1891 John Hugh McNaughton, 1829-1891
City of Alton Schottisch none Richard S. Poppen
Come Rally Freemen, Rally!(Campaign Song and Chorus) John Adams Mrs. Effie A. (Susan) Parkhurst [later Druer], 1836-1918
Dear Nora, I'm Waiting for Thee (Companion to Kay Avourneen) anon. P. R. Nicholls
Dey Said We Wouldn't Fight Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Parkhurst
During the Battle A. K. Owen Estell Main
Emancipation (Song and Chorus) [19 May] anonymous anonymous
For Bales (tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home, 1863) anon. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, 1829-1892; Arr.--anon.
General Morgan's Grand March none C. L. Peticolas
Hard Times in Dixie! M. K. Eugarps [alias? for Charles Sprague]
Her Name Was Isabella H. Clifton H. Clifton
How Are You John Morgan? (A Sequel to Here's Your Mule) C. D. Benson C. D. Benson
Hymn of the Freedman George H. Boker, Esqr. A. Contraband; Arranged by J. P. Rowbotham
I've Fallen in the Battle A. B. Chandler A. B. Chandler
Idaho Frank French Frank French
Jenny Wade, the Heroine of Gettysburg Albert G. Anderson Rudolf Wittig
Katy Did, Katy Didn't (Comic Song) Mrs. Helen Corwin Fisher Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst (aka Druer), 1838-1918
Let Me Die With My Face to the Foe [30 May] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
Let Me Hold It Till I Die (Song and Chorus) H. Lovegrove H. Lovegrove
Luddy! Fuddy! The Crackman's Chant (from the drama ofRosedale) anononymous Arranged by D. Graham
McClellan and Union (The Head of the Nation McClellan Shall Be) (Campaign Song) C. O. Clayton Tune: Bonnie Dundie; Arr. by C. O. Clayton
McClellan Is the Man (Song [and Chorus]) Charles Leighton Henry Cromwell
Minnie Lee (Ballad) anon. Hermann L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
My Country Dear, I Die for Thee (Song and Chorus) [2 Sep] William P. Wallace Charles E. Ballard
My Jaime's on the Battle Field Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst (aka Druer), 1838-1918
My Polly Ann Dave Reed T. McNally
Nancy Fat (Song) Dave Reed T. McNally; Arr. by Charles W. Glover, 1806-1863
No Surrender (Song) anonymous Carlos C. Mera, 1830-1880+
O Loving Heart, Trust On! Henry C. Watson Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Old Shady the Contraband(Contraband Song and Chorus) (Song of the Mississipi Contrabands)< anon. David A. Warden
On Picket Duty R. Torrey Jr. Carl Lazare
Our Flag and the Union Forever Rev. J. Matlock Isaiah Ickes
Our Flag, Our Army, and Our President! (Quartette) Rev. James T. Dudley William H. Perry
Our Lady of the Hospital (fromSongs of the War) Private Miles O'Reilly Harrison Millard, 1830-1895
Peace Will Soon Return Again(Song and Chorus) W. J. Phillips Esq. Francis Woolcott [or Wolcott]
Polly Perkins of Abington Green Harry Clifton Harry Clifton
Sanitary Fair Quadrille none John Richter
Sleep, Sweetly Sleep (Song & Chorus) M. B. Ladd M. B. Ladd
Solon Shingle (A Characteristic Ditty) Old Si Ellsley The Peoples Lawyer
Song of the Soldiers (No. 2 from from Songs of the War by Private Miles O'Reilly) "Private" Miles O'Reilly Charles Van Oeckelen
Strike While the Iron's Hot, Put the Matter Through(Patriotic Song with Chorus) anon. R. Hastings
Sweet Little Nell! (Song and Chorus) Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer)
Take Back the Heart (Song) Claribel (pseud. for Mrs. Charles C. Barnard nee Charlette Alington Pye, 1830-1869] Claribel (pseud. for Mrs. Charles C. Barnard nee Charlette Alington Pye, 1830-1869]
Take Me Home anonymous Hermann L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
Tell Me of My Darling Boy Or,The Mother's Reply to "Just Before the Battle" (Song and Chorus) Harry Buckline Harry Buckline
Terrible Tough! (Being The Answer of Tomothy Huff To the Call of Governor Brough) (Song and Chorus) [May 26] Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867 Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867
The Battle-Cry of Freedom William II. Barnes, Esq. Herman L. Schreiner, 1832-1879?
The Chicago Copperheads James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 anon.; Adapted by James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Copperhead of 1864 John Holland James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Copperhead of 1865 Futurity James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Drummer Boy of Shiloh With Brilliant Variations for Piano none [Melody by William Shakespeare Hays (1862), 1837-1907]; Charles Grobe, 1815-1880+
The Dying Soldier Boy anonymous J. T. Wamelink
The Gipsy's Warning [aka The Gipsie's Warning] (Song) anonymous Henry A. Coard
The Happy Contraband anon. Billy Emerson [alias for William Emerson Redmond]
The Heroes of Gettysburg; or A Dirge for the Brave (Song with Full Chorus) James A. Scott Max. J. Coble
The Last of the Alabama
(Commodore Winslow's Grand Victory March)
Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918 Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918
The Massacre at Fort Pillow(Song and Chorus) Charles Haynes James Edward Haynes
The Nameless Graves Where Our Heroes Lie John H. Lozier C. M. Currier
The Northern Volunteers Jennie M. Torrey Jennie M. Torrey
The People's Advent (A New Quartette for the Times) (To Abraham Licoln) Gerald Massey James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Oath or Ye Freemen How Long Will Ye Stifle (A Tribute to the Great Sanitary Fair of 1864) [1 Jun] Thomas Buchanan Read James Cox Beckel, 1811-1900+
The President's Hymn: Give Thanks, All Ye People William Augustus Muhlenberg, 1796-1877 William Augustus Muhlenberg, 1796-1877
The Rocky Hills of Gettysburg Prof. T. C. Porter J. B. Kevinski
The Soldier Boy M. N. Everly M. N. Everly
The Soldier's Dream (Ballad) anon. H. S. Thompson
The Soldier's Friend [26 Mar] D. Brainerd Williamson John S. Cox
The Soldier's Pride R. Tomkins Hiram T. Merrill
The Standard Bearer Major T. N. P., C.S.A. H. S. Coleman; Arranged for guitar by F. W. Rosier
The Star Spangled Banner and the Pure Field of White Subaltern Subaltern
The Sword That My Brave Boy Wore [19 May] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Torn Battle Flag J. E. Hartle J. E. Hartle
The Unknown Soldier (Who Is He?) (Song) [27 Oct] Gen. W. H. Hayward Maj. Wilson G. Horner
The Voice of the Army [30 Apr] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
There's a Sound Among the Forest Trees (Rallying Song and Chorus) Miss Fanny Jane Crosby [aka Mrs. Francis Van Alstyne, 1820-1915] William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868
U. S. G. (A Song for the Times) (National Walk 'Round) Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904 Daniel Decatur Emmett, 1815-1904
Uncle Sam's Menangerie (Union Campaign Song and Chorus) J. William Pope J. William Pope
When They Come Marching Home [13 Sep] Walter Kittredge, 1834-1905 Walter Kittredge, 1834-1905
When We All March Home From the War (Song and Chorus) S. W. Paine S. W. Paine
Write a Letter to My Mother(Song [and Chorus]) (By the same Author and Companion toBrother's Fainting at the Door) [20 Aug] E. Bowers P. B. Isaacs
Yes, My Child, the Battle's Over(Reply to Mother, Is the Battle Over?) (Song and Chorus) B. A. Whaples B. A. Whaples
You Can Never Win Us Back (A Patriotic Song) a Lady of Kentucky anon.; Arr. by J. E. Smith
Ulysses Leads the Van (A Patriotic Song) E. W. Locke Melody by E. W. Locke; Arr. by Dr. W. J. Wetmore



Title Words Music
A National Hymn (for 4 Voices with an accompaniment for Organ or Piano-Forte) James Nicholson Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
A Song for the Nameless Heroine (Song and Chorus) [13 Mar] Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867 Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867
All Hail to Our Triumph(Fourth of July, 1865) Harry Buckline Harry Buckline
Annie's Reply to Enoch Arden Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Battle Cry of Freedom(Grand Caprice de Concert) [15 May] none Melody by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895; Arranged by Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829-1869
Beautiful River Rev. Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 Rev. Robert Lowry, 1826-1899; arr. by Edward Mack, 1826-1882
Betty Sands (A Sequel toJohnny Sands [1842]) J. E. Carpenter John Sinclair
Beware! [Take Care] Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807-1882 Charles Moulton
Coming Home From the Old Camp Ground William T. Rogers William T. Rogers
Enjolras, the Song of the Patriot (To the Memory of President Abraham Lincoln) Edmundus Scotus, R.Q.S. Melody by Edmundus Scotus, R.Q.S.; arranged for Piano by George Zoeller
Ever My Spirit Awakens to Thee
(Answer to "Beautiful Dreamer"
[by S. C. Foster])
Miss Maggie Williams Edward Mack, 1826-1882
Father's Come Home(Sequel to Come Home, Father & Quartette for Mixed Voices) [10 Oct] Z. Pope Vose (editor of the "Youth's Temperance Visitor" Rockland, Maine) S. K. Whitney [or Whiting?]
Funeral March (to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln) none Mrs. E[ffie]. A. (Susan) Parkhurst, 1836-1918 [aka Mrs. Druer]
He Vowed That He Never Would Leave Me W. J. Florence A. Lloyd
I Am Dying, Egypt, Dying Theod von Lahache Theod von Lahache
I'll Weep No More For Mother Dear (Answer toI'm Lonely Since My Mother Died) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
I've Struck Ile (Comic Song) (Companion to Oil on the Brain [from 1865, by Joseph Eastburn Winner]) Frank Wilder Frank Wilder
Les Cadeaux de Noel(Christmas Gifts) (Valse Joyeuse) none Charles Kinkel
Lincoln's Dying Refrain none M. B. Ladd
Lincoln's Requiem Irene Boynton James A. Butterfield, 1837-1891
Lincoln's Funeral March none Charles Hess
Love on the Brain Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 [aka Mrs. Druer]
Minnie Minton or I'll Meet You in the Morning [13 Mar] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
Miss Sarah Jane Fred. Wilson? Fred. Wilson
Monody (on the Death of President A[braham]. Lincoln) James Cox Beckel, 1811-1900+ James Cox Beckel, 1811-1900+
Mother Is the Battle Over? Can I Come Home From Canada? or The B. J.'s Lament [27 Oct] Joseph W. Turner Joseph W. Turner
Mother on the Brain(Comic Ballad) M. F. H. Smith M. F. H. Smith
Nicodemus Johnson J. B. Murphy J. B. Murphy
Now Den! Now Den! (The Freedman's Song) (Song and Chorus) [Dec 9] Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867 Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1833-1867
Oh! Why Should The Spirit of Mortal Be Proud?(President Lincoln's Favorite Poem) William Knox (Copied by F. B. Carpenter While Our Lamented Chief Was Reciting It) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Oil on the Brain (Comic Ballad) (Song and Chorus) Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918 Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918
On to Charleston (aka On to Charleston Onward On!) (Song and Chorus) O. Wheelock Esq. M. H. Frank
Our Comrade Has Fallen[circa 1865] O. M. Brewster O. M. Brewster
Pleasant Dreams of Long Ago Edward Taylor Esq. Geo. W. H. Griffin
Poor Mother! Willie's Gone(Founded on an incident of the War) Theodore Frelinghuysen Seward, 1835-1902 Theodore Frelinghuysen Seward, 1835-1902
Richmond Is Ours! (Solo or Quartette with Chorus) Augustine Joseph Hickey Duganne, 1823-1884 Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer)
Rejoice Our Boys Are Coming Home (Song and Chorus) George C. Deming George C. Deming
Remembrance Edward Bulmer Lytton W. H. J. Graham
Richmond Falls, the War Is Over (Song and Chorus) O. Wheelock O. Wheelock
Roll, Alabama, Roll anonymous anonymous (adapted by Hermes Nye)
Scandal on the Brain Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer)
Sherman's On De Track(aka Sherman's on the Track) (Contraband Song and Chorus) David A. Warden David A. Warden
Sleep, My Darling-- Thou Art Weary (A Mother's Lullaby) Charles Dickens J. C. Meininger
Sleep, Sacred Dust of Noble Dead (circa 1865) James Ramsey Murray, 1841-1905 James Ramsey Murray, 1841-1905
Somebody's Darling (Song) Mrs. E. K. Crawford Mrs. E. K. Crawford
The Assassin's Vision(Ballad) Joseph W. Turner Joseph W. Turner
The Contraband's Song of Freedom (Song and Chorus) Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918 Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918
The Faded Coat of Blue John Hugh McNaughton, 1829-1891 John Hugh McNaughton, 1829-1891
The Fall of Richmond (A Decriptive Piece for Piano) none Joseph Raff
The Gal With a Roguish Eye Fred. Wilson? Fred. Wilson
The Grave of Hally(Companion to Listen to the Mocking Bird [by Septimus Winner, 1855]) Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Arranged by Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
The Little Brown Church(Song and Chorus) William S. Pitts William S. Pitts
The Martyr of Liberty (in memory of President Lincoln) [6 Oct] James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897 James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
The Men of the West(c1865) Edward Willet B. A. Whaples
The Night Before the Battle (Song) Robert Morris, Esq. Jean Louis
The Old Contraband (Song and Chorus) John L. Zieber Rudolph Wittig
The Peace Jubilee (A National Song with Grand Chorus) Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 (aka Mrs. Druer)
The Prisoner's Release; or, The Dear Old Flag Has Come Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918 Joseph Eastburn Winner, 1837-1918
The 'Telligent Contraband(aka Intelligent Contraband) (Song and Dance) anon. Charlie Pettengill
The War Will Soon Be O'er (Song & Chorus) [27 Feb] Walter Kittredge, 1834-1905 Walter Kittredge, 1834-1905
The Whip-Poor-Will's Song Harrison Millard, 1830-1895 Harrison Millard, 1830-1895
This Hallowed Place We Seek (circa 1865) James Ramsey Murray, 1841-1905 James Ramsey Murray, 1841-1905
Toll the Bell Mournfully [14 Apr] Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+ Cornelius Everest, 1820-1885+
Vanamburgh's Menangerie(Comic Song) anon. Dr. W. J. Wetmore, M.D.
Victory at Last! (Song and Chorus) Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816-1868
We're Coming Again to the Dear Ones at Home (Song and Chorus) G. M. Wickliffe G. M. Wickliffe; arranged by T. Von La Hache
We're Coming Fodder Abrahan (We're Coming "in a Horn") (Comic Song) An "Intelligent Contraband" An "Intelligent Contraband"
We've Drunk From the Same Canteen Miles O'Riley, Editor of the N. Y. Citizen James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1897
When Sherman Marched Down to the Sea S. H. M. Byers Edward Mack, 1826-1882
When the Battle Is Over(Song [and Chorus]) Charles Lever, Esq. Edward O. Eaton
When You and I Were Soldier Boys James Gowdy Clark, 1830-1997 James G. Clark
Why Can We Not Be Brothers or We Know That We Were Rebels Clarence J. Prentice Charlie L. Ward
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